
The theme of the second issue of Inquiry will be, for each author, the challenge to convey their research solely through the use of the visual image.  The title of this publication will be “speechless”. Due to the autobiographical nature of this task, where overlaps occur it can be seen as a compliment to the issue entitled “process”.  Contributors are encouraged to produce their work in any medium, to any length and to any scale.  The freedom given us through this online record enables Inquiry to be published without regard for the restrictions of physical publishing.

In “Real Presences” George Steiner imagines a world in which textual critique is obsolete.  Instead, the creative arts provide social and material critique through their own practice.  Painters paint critiques, dancers dance critiques.  In this way, the notion of “research” is altered to provide a back and forth discussion based on experience rather than fact.  As researchers who have emphasised the importance of design work as a fundamental aspect of their research process, contributors to “speechless” will have to express their work visually, rather than verbally and therefore experientially rather than intellectually.  As always at Inquiry, it is the discussion that occurs between contributors whilst in the process of answering this challenge that is as important as the final outcome.


Submission deadlines and meeting dates to follow.

Aidan Williams February 2011.

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